Board Meeting Tips
Board meetings should be highly productive, interesting and informative. Board members have diverse skills and backgrounds that contribute to the success of your company. Board members are also entrusted with the company’s finances, reputation and future plans. It is essential to maintain contact with them beyond meetings at the board level, such as phone calls or private dinners and management meetings.
Make sure board materials are available to all directors well ahead of the meeting. This will give the board time to read and plan their agenda. Avoid surprising the board with lengthy proposals or controversial issues that they were not prepared for. Additionally, avoid discussing these items at the beginning of the meeting when the board isn’t prepared for the depth of discussion required.
Keep the board focused by setting an agenda that is clear with the estimated time for each item. This will allow the board to be in control of its time and encourage active participation. It is important to clearly delegate one person, whether it is the secretary or a member of the board, to take notes in detail at the meeting. This will help avoid confusion and headaches in the future.
Some officers will open the meeting by sharing an accomplishment story to inspire the board. This can be a fantastic morale booster and prove that the board’s decisions can make a difference in the lives of employees, customers, or other stakeholders. By energizing the board with positive results can refocus the board on the future of your business.
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